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CargoRx Ltd


Phone (303) 690-1618
Address 6880 E 56th Ave,
Commerce City, CO 80022 United States


CargoRx stands out in the B2B transportation marketplace by offering diverse transport options on a single tech-forward platform. Our unique interface boasts features like electronic documentation, in-app communication, and geo-tracking, ensuring cargo visibility and seamless driver integration. We aren't merely a digital broker; we own assets, such as trucks and trailers, ensuring direct control over the shipping process. Our asset-based model grants shippers a rare visibility advantage, witnessing their shipments in transit. We specialize in "non-conforming" shipments, typically high-value or delicate industrial goods. Our service might come at a premium compared to traditional carriers, the unparalleled quality and tailored expertise we offer validate our distinct edge in the transportation arena.

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