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Yggdrasil Naturopathic Medicine


Phone (952) 295-4036
Fax (320) 300-4127 - Fax
Address 14525 Highway 7, Suite 375,
Minnetonka, MN 55345 United States


At Yggdrasil Naturopathic Medicine, we spend the time to figure out your issues and work on resolving them with you and provide all natural therapeutics like Naturopathic Medicine, Acupuncture therapy, MindBody medicine sessions and Therapeutic Bodywork sessions, also each care plan is hand-crafted, specifically for you, with each of our doctors spending 6 times the national average in face-to-face visit. Call us today at 952-295-4036 to book a free consultation with us so that we can learn more about you and share our unique approach to health.

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