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Princeton Air Conditioning Inc.


Phone (609) 799-3434
Address 39 Everett Dr,
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 United States


Princeton Air Conditioning, Inc., has been family-managed for over 43 years by Joe Needham and son Scott Needham. Today we have nearly 50 employees who are highly trained in customer service and the latest equipment technologies. With agents on call 24 hours a day and refunds for missed appointments, we make every effort to ensure that improving your home’s comfort, durability, and efficiency is an easy and convenient process. Together, we have built a responsive organization that focuses on taking care of all your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning needs - maintenance, repairs, and new equipment installations - as well as other important needs such as insulation, air sealing, geothermal, and solar solutions in central NJ and southeastern PA. We have adapted our business in recent years to provide building science and home performance services that increase the overall comfort and efficiency for your home and its systems.

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