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Carolina West Clinic, Chiropractic and Functional Medicine


Phone (803) 597-5099
Address 1112 Calhoun St,
Newberry, SC 29108 United States


Discover quality and affordable chiropractic care at Carolina West Clinic in Newberry, SC. Empowering lives through functional medicine, neuropathy relief, and expert chiropractic services. Safe for all ages, our precise treatments yield profound, immediate results. Conditions we treat: neuropathy, foot, and knee pain, headache & migraine, back & neck pain, numbness and tingling, vertigo & dizziness, brain fog & fatigue, hip and shoulder pain, sciatica, poor posture, whiplash, scoliosis, tmj. Our services: orthospinology, prenatal and pediatric chiropractic, pressure wave & laser therapy, weight loss, non-invasive lipo laser, decompression therapy, sports injury rehab, massage, and personalized lab testing. Schedule your appointment today!

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