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John Padilla Plumbing


Phone (760) 278-0754
Address 6994 El Camino Real #205-E,
Carlsbad, CA 92009 United States


John Padilla Plumbing, headquartered in Carlsbad, CA, is a reputable provider of exceptional plumbing services catering to both residential and commercial sectors. With a seasoned team of professionals, we are dedicated to offering swift and effective solutions to a variety of plumbing issues, ranging from urgent emergency responses to routine maintenance, precise water leak detection, and comprehensive drain cleaning. Our commitment is underpinned by a dedication to superior quality workmanship and exemplary customer service, ensuring that each task is executed flawlessly to meet the high standards our clients expect. John Padilla Plumbing continuously strives to be the foremost choice for reliable and efficient local plumbing solutions.

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