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Simple IV | Mobile IV Therapy


Phone (888) 996-1688
Address 491 Yorbita Rd,
La Puente, CA 91744 United States


Simple IV offers the highest quality vitamin IV therapy and aesthetic services in comfort and easily personalized in-home. Also, we offer a level of individualized healthcare that allows patients to optimize their overall wellness and beauty. Our IV infusion therapy replenishes your body with essential vitamins and electrolytes with various drips. Our NAD+ IV therapy is an efficient way to provide your body with this critical coenzyme. It’s delivered directly to your bloodstream, where your body can quickly absorb it and put it to use. IV nutritional therapy provides hydrating fluids and essential nutrients to your body via your veins quickly and efficiently. Because this method bypasses the gastrointestinal system. Schedule your treatment with us by calling at (888) 996-1688.

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